
Hsiloh tell me why im waiting
Hsiloh tell me why im waiting

He saw his father killed and almost became a soldier. He says he was born in Lagos, in extreme poverty. Osoji quickly corrects her and says, “ Better than he does.” Wow, conceited much? Wright agrees but says that she needs to have someone with her who understands the country as well as President Okoli. Osoji says he appreciates being invited though it’s not a typical CIA kinda thing to do. Turns out it’s Acting Director Wright ( Betty Gabriel) watching the news story while on her way to Lagos with lobbyist Ade Osoji ( Okieriete Onaodowan). RELATED: Check out our recap for Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan Season 4 Episode 2, “Convergence”

hsiloh tell me why im waiting

Ameh’s expected to try and oust the new president, Okoli (Joseph Mydell). The report says a warlord by the name of Ekon Ameh (Hugh Quarshie) and the death squads supporting him are unleashing havoc.

hsiloh tell me why im waiting

We start on a news story covering the chaos in Nigeria resulting from President Udo’s assassination.

hsiloh tell me why im waiting

Welcome to episode three of Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, titled “Sacrifices.” Lots to get through, so let’s get started:

Hsiloh tell me why im waiting